AI Hall of Legacy

Ahern Hall of Legacy Criteria

Each year, the Ahern African American Hall of Legacy honors individuals who satisfy specific eligibility criteria.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Individuals aged 100 or more

  • Pastors who have served the same congregation for 30+ years

  • Company Presidents or CEOs promoting civil rights

Required Submission Information

  • Church Involvement,

  • Community involvement,

  • Civil Rights Involvement,

  • Organization Affiliations

  • Academic Achievement

You can send biographies containing your nominee’s name to Include as much information as possible based on the above criteria.

Mrs. Inez Johnson
100 Years-Old
Knoxville, Tennessee

Rev. Edward S. Robinson Sr.
45 Years at
Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Cleveland, Tennessee

Rev. Dr. Harold A. Middlebrook Sr.
33 Years-at
Canaan Baptist Church of Christ
Knoxville, Tennessee

Rev. Ernest Widby Sr.
40 Years at
New Zion Faith Center
Johnson City, Tennessee

Rev. Dr. Kenneth Calvert
33 Years at
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church
Kingsport, Tennessee

Rev. Jacqueline Nophlin
38 Years at
Household of Faith Community Church Bristol, Virginia

Rev. Dr. William Reid
31 Years at
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
Bristol, Virginia